Tea for toddlers to teens and beyond!

Summer is officially upon us and the higher temperatures mean it's more important than ever to stay well hydrated. Making sure we have enough to drink throughout the day is essential for both kids and us grown ups.  According to the British Nutrition Foundation, good hydration aids everything from our concentration, to maintaining body temperature and keeping our organs functioning well.

Fortunately, over at Small & Wild, we have a tea for everyone - from toddlers to teens and beyond! Healthy hydration doesn’t have to be boring and we aim to make staying refreshed a truly tasty and wholesome experience with our range of happy herbal teas to suit all ages.  Whilst of course anyone can try any of our teas for kids, here are our suggestions on which blends to try at different ages and stages.

For toddlers and younger kids

We like to recommend starting little people's tea journeys with our Jolly Croc, which is a fun & delightful blend of banana, strawberry and apple. Our smaller customers have described it as a tasty alternative to squash or juice and their grown ups love the fact that it is natural and sugar free. Jolly Croc fruit tea will give your little people sweet, but hydrating, sips all summer long, it’s also delicious served cold over lots of ice for the ultimate cooling drink.

child reaching for box of tiger tea

Another great option for younger kids is our colourful Merry Tiger fruit tea. A lovely, bold and fruity blend combining the juicy, sweet flavours of pear, mango, and raspberry. Does it get more tempting than that? And again delicious as an iced tea - we like to serve it with pieces of fresh fruit in too.

merry tiger fruit iced tea for kids

Older kids, tweens and teens

As our kids get older, it's great to broaden their pallets and give them new flavours to try. Our Snoozy Fox tea is a more sophisticated camomile-based blend but with a sweet spearmint twist. We've also added a hint of lavender and relaxing lemon balm. The minty and floral flavours not only keep you refreshed but the ingredients are also super calming and camomile is widely thought to help calm and aid a good night’s sleep. 

And of course, we have Happy Toucan, an award-winning blend of rooibos, cinnamon, aniseed, and vanilla. Perfect with a splash of milk for a cuppa that is a delicious after-school treat to fuel them through homework time. Kids will also love the fact that with a splash of milk it looks just like a regular cup of tea!

happy toucan tea with mug and tea

Herbal and fruit tea benefits for kids

Drinking herbal tea has benefits for both adults and children. For children, herbal and fruit tea can be a healthy natural drink option when compared to sugary drinks or juices, but is still packed with delicious flavours for their developing taste buds.

Children should avoid caffeine due to the potential adverse effects on their developing brains and bodies, but parents can rest-assured that our range of kids' teas are all naturally caffeine free, and therefore safe for children, and very hydrating!

Teas for grown ups

We recently broadened the Small & Wild range, expanding our tea offer to include a variety of teas aimed at adults (plus older teens will love our Lemongrass & Ginger and Peppermint blends). Our focus is on the classics, all crafted with the finest ingredients. As avid tea lovers ourselves, we can also very happily say they are the best examples of these blends we’ve tried 😉.

Our black tea offering includes our bright Breakfast tea (a blend of the finest Assam, Ceylon, and African teas) and a beautiful Earl Grey - a blend of Keemun, Darjeeling, Ceylon, Assam, and Nepal teas, with a scattering of cornflowers and scented with delicate Bergamot. 

Our Lemongrass & Ginger blend is uplifting and smells incredible. Spicy ginger, combined with the gentle sweetness of liquorice root, makes it the perfect uplifting mid-day cuppa. Whilst our Green Sencha, made with green leaf tea from the Anhui Province of Eastern China contains less caffeine than black tea, but enough to provide a little boost!

Last, but by no means least, our refreshing Peppermint tea is restorative and calming, making it perfect for helping with digestion or if you need a cup to unwind after a long day. 

There is certainly a cup for everyone, and we hope you find yours! 


Team Small & Wild x